Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Belief in Christ

Just a few thoughts

·       "When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are." - Donald Miller

·       Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. -- George Bernard Shaw

·       We pray for the First Peoples of Australia and for all who have made their way to this land. May Australia Day this year strengthen our desire for solidarity and justice.


ü Proclaiming the Good News to the whole of creation.

ü Followers and Admirers

ü A Transformational Encounter

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Foundation calls for sharing of First Nations truth

Ø Josie Alec, First Nations Lead, Australian Conservation Foundation, writes:
1. Let’s keep building our understanding of what January 26 means for First Nations Peoples

Listening from the heart primes us to understand other people's perspectives, breaking down the differences between us.

For my community, January 26 marks the start of settler colonialism, massacres, stolen generations, and the death of carefully maintained ecologies across the continent. It's a day of mourning. That's why many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people oppose this day.

2. Let’s accept the true history of Australia

Hurt and pain will not pass by being ignored. Australia must face both the colonial history of genocide and the structural disadvantages that First Nations people continue to face here.

By honestly facing the past, we can shape a better future. Together.

3. Let’s respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultures

For decades now, January 26 marches have been paired with festivals that celebrate First Nations music, art and food – like the Birak Concert here in Perth, Yabun in Sydney, Share the Spirit in Melbourne, and Survival in Adelaide.

It's a powerful thing to have many First Nations cultures of Australia thriving and visible on this day, and all throughout the year. Make sure to get involved. You can find all of the marches and events happening across Australia on January 26 right here.

Musical Reflection

¯  Australian Blessing

¯  You’re the Voice in Gamilaraay language

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