Thursday, January 19, 2023


Just a few thoughts

·        The world shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage. -- Anais Nin

·        If we step back from the superficial perspective of job equals a pay slip we can begin to search for meaning: How many opportunities do we have each day to connect meaningfully with others? Do we take those moments and make real contact? Do we honour the people we meet? Do we take the time to appreciate the power we have to bring meaning to our relationships? Do we honour our own time? Do we look for new creative ways to perceive and approach our work? -- Alex Pattakos

·        May we seek our unity around the table of the Lord


ü Spreading the Good News

ü The desire for love and the mercy of Christ

The Signs Of The Times

Ø A day off to work on reconciliation

Ø What Were We Thinking?

Musical Reflection

¯ The Little Light of Mine

¯ Two Fishermen

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