Thursday, September 8, 2022

When a Child is born, a Mother is born.

Just a few thoughts

·        Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself." - Chief Seattle

·        Boost to welfare payments ‘fall well short’ – Living costs have gone up by more than that.

·        Threatened Species Day - We pray for the Australian community. May this special day move us to protect their habitat and care for all the creatures God has given us.


ü There is nothing in the gospels about the birth of Mary.

ü Joyous reflections on parenthood

ü ‘Learning to love you more’

ü Last Sunday -Understanding the nature and cost of discipleship

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Pilgrimage to Country walk
The Diocesan Council for Integral Ecology is organising a walk on Sunday 18thSeptember from McKillop Plaza to Pakapakanthi wetlands in Victoria Park. The launch of the diocese’s Laudato Si Action Platform, committing to Uluru and Voice referendum, and celebrate the Season of Creation theme of “Listen to Creation”. …See details in the Southern Cross- page 12

Ø The Southern Cross is filled with articles about current issues being addressed in parishes. Please do read it.

Ø Another way of reading Southern Cross articles is here

Ø Inquiry hears of homelessness among people with disability

Musical Reflection

¯ On Eagle's Wings

¯ As Christ is for Us

¯ A planet to be cared for, a cry yet to be heard

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