Friday, September 9, 2022

Splinters and Planks

Just a few thoughts

·        As the Adelaide Archdiocese celebrates the Season of Creation during September, many school and parish communities are finding innovative ways to heed Pope Francis’ call to care for our common home. – Our Parish?

·        The campaign on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament must be owned by the community. It will not happen if the community is not positively involved.

·        May we be honest about ourselves - our shortcomings, failures, sins and weaknesses - so that we can better appreciate God’s loving mercy toward us.


ü If you are looking for a fault, the Norwegians say, reach for a mirror, not a pair of binoculars

ü Who are we to judge?

ü We hear a lot about our rights these days…………..

ü Seeing What’s Important

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Abuse in the Church a monstrosity: - Pope Francis

Ø Vinnies: Government must help vulnerable as rates rise

Musical Reflection

¯ A Trusting Psalm

¯ Beatitudes

¯ A planet to be cared for, a cry yet to be heard

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