Thursday, September 29, 2022

Angelic messages.

Just a few thoughts

·        The poor need the rich to stay out of poverty and the rich need the poor to stay out of Hell.

·        May St Vincent de Paul, ‘the great apostle of charity’ continue to inspire the members of the St Vincent de Paul Society in their ‘good works’

·        May those who work for organizations like Oz Harvest and Food Bank, and the many firms and shops who donate their left over food, receive blessings as they ensure that the poor and hungry receive nourishment


ü God’s angels amid us

ü Fully Known

ü Dives and Lazarus – closer to home than we think   --   Last Sunday homily

The Signs Of The Times

Ø The World happiness Report 2022 – Evaluated on the basis of 6 factors
(1) GDP divided by total population   (2) Social Support   (3) Healthy life expectancy
(4) Freedom of choice   (5) Generosity   (6) Perceptions of Corruption
Happiest country – Finland
5th – Netherlands; 10th – New Zealand; 11th – Australia; 16th – USA; 17th - UK

Ø Professor Megan Davis, member of the Referendum Council, reads out the Uluru Statement from the Heart  --  Listen here

Ø How to capture defunct satellites and other space junk and bring it back to Earth

Musical Reflection

¯ Faith, Hope and Love

¯ In Christ There Is No East or West

¯ Do not be afraid

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