Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The treasure of the Church

Just a few thoughts

·        St Laurence stated that the poor, crippled, and sick were the true wealth of the Church [AD 258] How true is that today?

·        We pray for policy-makers at every level of government, that they will act to end the degradation of Australia’s environment and the critical loss of native species.

·        Last Saturday was Hiroshima Day
As we know atom bombs were dropped on 2 Japanese cities at a time when Japan was already defeated, but had not yet officially surrendered. The bombs were dropped on cities, not on military targets.
I received an email from an Australian peace organisation with a link to a video.


ü St Laurence was noted for his generosity in helping the poor and needy.

ü If a grain of what falls on the ground and dies, it yields a rich harvest

ü Sunday homily - Trust

ü Trusting the Gardener

ü Disarmed And Dangerous

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Parish priorities sought

Ø Supporting a synodal approach to change

Ø Palms Australia

Musical Reflection

¯ For the Beauty of the Earth

¯ God moves in a mysterious way

¯ If you have a spare hour  enjoy this video full screen- Peace Through Music: A Global Event for the Environment

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