Thursday, August 25, 2022

Being ready

Just a few thoughts

·        This day before you now
Greet her with love and joy.
She is a fine strong person
This precious living day
She is young and old
She is warm and cold
She is here for you
She will hold you well.
Make love with her
You’d be a fool to turn away
She is here. She is yours.
She is wise, she is hers.
She has dawned on you; this epic day.
Do not underestimate what she can do.
Give thanks for her as you make your way.
Give thanks for the power and the kindness
Of this precious living day.
~~Michael Leunig

·        World Day of Migrants and Refugees


ü “The wise and diligent travellers watch their every step, and always have their eyes upon the part of the road directly in front of them.”

ü Awake

ü Living in Hope: Luke 13:22-30

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Living Catholic News

Ø Caring for José Luis: A priest learns that love is love

Ø Knowing with Our Whole Being

Musical Reflection

¯ A Place at the Table

¯ Come Journey With Us

¯ Guantanamera

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