Wednesday, August 17, 2022

The first will be last.

Just a few thoughts

·        The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power. -- Mary Pickford

·        In some countries today is celebrated as “Thriftshop Day” So let’s celebrate our Charity Opshops!
Why are op shops so important? There are three simple reasons.
1. A large number of community programs are funded by the income from charity op shops. These programs would struggle without generous donations to op shops.
2. Op shops help many Australians to find a bargain. They also help people who are having a hard time.
3. Buying second-hand is a great to reduce our impact on the environment. And donating good quality products keeps them from going to landfill!
VINNIES SHOPS - Vinnies is one of the largest recycling organisations in Australia and is staffed largely by volunteers.
Norwood Vinnies Shop;     Campbelltown Vinnies Shop
Have you visited High Street Café at Mary MacKillop Plaza?


ü He paid him a ‘family wage’.

ü God cannot and will not give more of that love to one than another.

ü A Generous God

ü Last Sunday – reflection - More Alive

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Mary teaches primacy of humility over power: Pope Francis

Ø Three reasons why disinformation is so pervasive and what we can do about it

Musical Reflection

¯ I Am the Bread of Life

¯ Give us peace! (Dona Nobis Pacem)

¯ All is one and one is all

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