Thursday, August 4, 2022

Peter the Rock!

Just a few thoughts

·        The things we really need come to us only as gifts, and in order to receive them as gifts we have to be open. In order to be open… in a sense we have to die to our image of ourselves, our autonomy, our fixation upon our self – willed identity. -- Thomas Merton

·        May young people who are homeless be of real concern for us, and may church agencies and community projects work with governments to relieve their needs in the National Homelessness Week.

·        For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, that they will celebrate their national day with pride and confidence.


ü "He's a man, he's just a man," sang Mary Magdalene in the musical Jesus Christ Superstar.

ü Last Sunday homily - Why you don't have to be rich to understand this parable

ü The Rocks

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Vinnies welcomes bill to end arbitrary detention

Ø Plenary Council endorses Interfaith Relations

Ø Bishops condemn family violence in annual justice statement

Musical Reflection

¯ Bread Of Life

¯ My Soul in Stillness Waits

¯ Holy God, We Praise Thy Name

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