Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Your faith has made you well

Just a few thoughts

·                    It may be that when we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work and when we no longer know which way to go, we have begun our real journey.
The mind that is not baffled is not employed.
The impeded stream is the one that sings.
~~Wendell Berry

·                    We pray for world faith leaders, that Interfaith Harmony Week (1-7 February) will encourage them to work together for the well-being of the world


ü  The Old Testament took thousands of years to unfold, but the events recounted in the gospels unfolded in just a couple of years.

ü    Do not fear, only believe  --  Brisbane Daily Reflection

ü Sunday Homily - All creation is prophetic

The Signs Of The Times

Ø    Ronald Rolheiser's 'Essential Spiritual Writing' presents Christian message in all its vibrancy

Ø    Religious leaders call for release of asylum-seekers  --  CathNews

Musical Reflection

¯      Bless the Lord, My Soul

¯      Gathered As One

¯      Sermon on the Mount.

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