Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Can we hear, can we see?

Just a few thoughts

·        March4Justice

·        May our national and civic leaders act responsibly in reaching out to all people with fairness and compassion.

·        We pray for all who are poor, that whatever their need of body, mind or spirit they will be made welcome at the table of life.

·        May all people who have dedicated their lives to looking after the frail and suffering of our world be truly recognised and blessed in their endeavours.


ü Do you still not perceive or understand?

ü The Yeast of the Pharisees and of Herod

The Signs Of The Times

Ø St Valentine  --  Australian Catholics

Ø Can We Be “Friends” with God?  --  Richard Rohr

Ø Four things to look for in Francis' reform of curia

Musical Reflection

¯ Sing a New Song

¯ O Bless the Lord, My Soul

¯ The Beatitudes (Albinoni)

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