Thursday, February 10, 2022

A universal faith

Just a few thoughts

·        Jesus’ teachings are about the here and now. The reign of God is being revealed and lived out now, wherever we are. Our faith is not about something esoteric or futuristic. It is about peace, justice and equity now. It calls for an unsettling, practical reversal of societal values, to create a place of generous hospitality, compassionate grace and whole-hearted inclusion of all our neighbours. What’s not to like?  --  Anne Hewitt

·        We pray for scholars and ministers of God’s word, that they will testify to its power and beauty and saving truth.


ü Both as individuals and communities, may we too be as inclusive as possible in our relationships.

ü The scraps

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Different reasons, similar results  --  Andrew Hamilton

Ø Pope tells priests to open themselves to the world

Ø Now is not the time to resume the old ‘normal’ service – we need a new approach and fast  --  Probono

Musical Reflection

¯ Beatitudes

¯ Be Not Afraid

¯ God So Loved the World

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