Thursday, February 24, 2022

Be at peace with one another.

Just a few thoughts

·        May small nations under threat of domination by strong neighbouring states, be protected.

·        Jesus calls on us to draw from the store of goodness in our hearts

·        May the covid vaccine be recognised as a gift from God, be received as an act of love for ourselves and others, and be made available for the people of poorer countries.


ü Images of hell

ü The Godly path is thoughtfulness, generosity and a thirst for justice

ü Salt and Peace

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Pope’s message: No one should be left behind

Ø No national homelessness strategy is “deeply disappointing” -- CathNews

Ø Divine Diversity and Oneness

Musical Reflection

¯ The Lord Is Kind And Merciful

¯ No Greater Love

¯ Where Charity and Love Prevail

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