Friday, February 25, 2022

Dona nobis pacem

Just a few thoughts

·        "When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow bring out the best in ourselves."  --  William Arthur Ward

·        We pray for our parish community. May it be a place of forgiveness, compassion and gratitude.

·        Let us pray for a new world order that allows all people to live in peace and all creatures to thrive.


ü Marriage

ü Integrity in our relationships

ü A New Way

The Signs Of The Times

Ø The Experience of God Unites Us

Ø The five ideas Australia needs now  --  Anglicare

Ø The Grail in Australia – Zoom meeting - Exploring The Uluru Statement From The Heart  --   – Saturday 26 February 2022

Musical Reflection

¯ Make Your Home in Me

¯ Alleluia! Raise the Gospel

¯ Let There Be Peace On Earth

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