Wednesday, July 28, 2021

The vision of life that Jesus proposes.

Just a few thoughts

·        We pray for a global change of heart, that the human family be united in gratitude for all the gifts of God.

·        “As long as only the office, but not the heart and the spirit, speak in Church official texts, the exodus from the world of faith will continue.”  --  Benedict XVI

·        The Australian Poverty Line is about $450 per week per person, not including housing rent; $600 with rent assistance. Our economic managers are forcing many people to live below this poverty line.


ü Images of the Kingdom

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Both priests and lay faithful are not called to merely maintain the status quo in parishes which is normally represented by an ageing congregation and low attendance numbers. Rather we are called to be bold and invitational, reaching out to the unchurched to facilitate an encounter with Christ.”

Ø The Melbourne Archdiocese has been forced to pay a record $2 million in compensation after originally only offering $27,500 to a survivor of notorious priest Kevin O’Donnell.

Ø Praying for the Church   --  Fr Andrew Hamilton

Musical Reflection

¯ All That I Am All That I Do

¯ Healing Light

Bits & Pieces

v 1888 - Women’s Suffrage League

v Putting a Stop to Food Waste

v 1741 – Death of Vivaldi -.Winter

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