Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Listening and hearing are not the same.

Just a few thoughts

·        We had to go and get tested for Covid immediately! After queueing for 5:35 hours we were notified at 2:10pm to go home and try again another day because Hampstead testing station could not take any more customers even though they were closing at 7:00pm apparently. After 18 months of Covid one would have thought that the system was fully prepared for outbreaks.

·        Keep safe during this lockdown. Check your family and friends-RUOK

·        Only 11% of eligible Australians have been fully vaccinated so far. That number should be 80%-90% to keep the community safe.

·        We pray for nearby peoples facing widespread COVID-19, especially Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and Fiji. May they gain access to the resources and support they need.  --  Lord, hear us


ü The word of God is sown in the heart like a seed

ü A sower went out to sow

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Paul: A New Creation  --  Fr Richard Rohr

Ø Change The Conversation  --  Fr Paschal Kearney

Musical Reflection

¯ filii et filiæ

¯ Miserere mei, Deus - Allegri

Bits & Pieces

v 1838 ….The first baptism at Holy Trinity North Terrace

v 1969 - Apollo 11: Neil Armstrong becomes the first person to step on the Moon at 2:56:15 AM

v 1948 – Birthday of Cat Stevens

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