Saturday, July 17, 2021

In the formation of conscience the Word of God is the light for our path.

Just a few thoughts

·         We pray for parish communities around Australia, that they will treasure the gift of Sun-day Mass and be well nourished at the tables of word and sacrament.  --  Lord, hear us.

·         How good life is when one does something good and just!  --  Fyodor Dostoyevsky


ü Living Space

ü Reflection with Fr. Michael Kelly

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Luke’s Good News: God’s Justice  --  Ron Rolheiser

Ø Migration - A heart open to the whole world

Musical Reflection

¯ Beatitudes  --  Audio only

¯ Eucharist Song

Bits & Pieces

¯ 1717 - George Frideric Handel's "Water Music" premieres on the river Thames in London

v  1814 - Matthew Flinders publishes "A Voyage to Terra Australis", detailing his circumnavigation of Australia, first to name the continent Australia. He dies a day later.

v  1981 - Humber Estuary Bridge in UK opens, world's longest span (1.4 km)


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