Sunday, July 11, 2021

Let us do likewise

Just a few thoughts

·         In the Gospel, the apostles go out with their life-giving mission: healing and turning lives around to God

·         We pray for global economic reform, that endless exploitation and consumption will be replaced by an economy that respects finite resources and minimises waste.  --  Lord, hear us.


ü The world is a kind of Temple of God.

ü Demons of our time

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  Will people find Jesus or lifeless rules in our Church?

Ø  What’s Inside The Face Of God?  --  Fr Ron Rolheiser

Ø  The uncomfortable legacy: colonisation and the church  --  Eureka Street

Musical Reflection

¯ Glory To God

¯ Holy, Holy, Holy

¯ Lamb Of God

Bits & Pieces

v  World Population Day

v  Celebrating Sea Sunday

v  1971:-- Aboriginal Flag first flown, Adelaide SA

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