Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Let anyone with ears listen!

Just a few thoughts

·        That the generations in our families will learn from each other, with the wisdom of elders, the dreams of the young, the commitment of parents, and the generosity of single adults, interacting to create respect, compassion and peace.  --  Lord, hear us.

·        Don’t just count your years, make your years count.  --  ~Ernest Meyers

·        Who Listens?


ü Parable of the Seeds

ü Sunday Homily - Overcoming fear and acting with vulnerable trust  --  Bishop Vincent Long, Sydney

ü Want to lead? Learn to serve

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Seniors are to be valued, not discarded: Pope

Ø Catholic Men’s Gathering prepares for launch

Musical Reflection

¯ Christ Be Our Light

¯ In This Together

Bits & Pieces

·        1836 - ‘Governor Wallen’

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