Monday, July 12, 2021

Go out and proclaim God's love and mercy


Just a few thoughts

·         Jesus asks the Father to consecrate his disciples in truth as they will be sent throughout the world to carry on his mission. Keeping the truth does not mean defending ideas, becoming guardians of a system of doctrines and dogmas, but remaining bound to Christ and being devoted to his Gospel. Truth, for the apostle John, is Christ himself, the revelation of the Father’s love.

            Pope Francis, May 16, 2021


ü Sunday Homily  -- Fr Frank Brennan

ü From Grateful to Giving  --  Fr Ron Rolheiser

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  Genesis: Everything Is Gift  --  Fr Richard Rohr

Ø  Pope calls on dioceses to organise family events

Musical Reflection

¯ My Life is in Your Hands

¯ We Are Many Parts

Bits & Pieces

v  1858  - St Francis Xavier Cathedral

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