Sunday, October 11, 2020

You’re Invited!

Hi Tranmere community.
Yesterday there was much to contemplate on from the point of view of a just world.
Today we have to Gospel reflections that also have much to contemplate. Enjoy!
Please do provide me with feedback. Every single response is valuable!

Sursum Corda!

v  The feast of Saint John XXIII. He gave us the Vatican II Council.
Unfortunately our church hierarchy has not been able to put it into action. As a result the church is dwindling!


ü  This is an awesome reflection!  The Many Faces of the EucharistFr Ron Rolheiser

ü  All Good Gifts – Fr John Florey

Social Justice Action

Ø  The Cross As Revealing God’s Presence in the Poor – Fr Ron Rolheiser

Ø  Anti-Poverty Week starts today.

Your Thoughts

????????? – Please do tell me.

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯ Sing to the Mountains – St. Louis Jesuits

¯ Something completely different, but with the same title. I love it - Sing to the Mountain - Elephant Revival

Bits & Pieces

§  1958 - Harry Butler of Minlaton

J  What do trees feel in springtime?                                                                     [Releaf]


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