Tuesday, October 13, 2020

God is as much, if not much more, concerned about the inside as the outside.


Greetings Tranmere community.
There are so many challenging articles being published during these C-Virus times!
It is hard to keep track of them all.
So I only select the ones that I feel are most relevant.


ü  Today’s Gospel

ü  Christianity Is a Way of Life
Christianity isn’t an abstract philosophy. It’s a complete way of life. Consequently, profession of belief in Christianity isn’t simply an intellectual nod of the head, but a commitment to live in such a way as to express concretely one’s convictions in the everyday world. Such engagement demands a sense of direction, a sense of individual mission and purpose. This is supplied by the particular vocation each of us is given. When we discover our own unique calling, regardless of what it may be, we find the spiritual true north by which to plot our course.
   —from the book Perfect Joy: 30 Days with Francis of Assisi  by Kerry Walters

Social Justice Action

Ø  Anti-Poverty Week - Change of attitude needed  --  Fr Andrew Hamilton

Ø  We must act urgently: Pope

Ø  Vinnies calls for more affordable housing

Ø  Pope Francis urges us to take care of our earth and of each other. Many other religions also are focusing on those same issues. The UN has published Faith for Earth: A Call for Action”
If you are interested in downloading a free copy try this link

Ø  Francis prays for more leadership roles for women

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯ Jesus Here I Am

¯ Rachmaninov piano concerto No.2 in C minor

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