Friday, October 16, 2020

God’s love doesn’t impose burdens upon us that we cannot carry

Our duty is clear: to proclaim the good news of the Gospel with openness and integrity and not to fear the consequences. Because we are not alone.

Hello Tranmere community.
I hope you enjoy these various articles.


ü  What Do We Do with Evil? – Fr Richard Rohr

ü  Prayerful & Eucharistic?Columbans  --  A great thought-provoking article

Social Justice Action

Ø  Imagining the Budget – Fr Andrew Hamilton

Ø  Australian Values for new citizens

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯ What do you want of me, Lord?

¯ The Servant Song

Bits & Pieces

§  World Food Day

§  Launch of Tarnanthi 2020 at the Arts Gallery


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