Saturday, October 31, 2020

For all who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.’

Greetings Tranmere community.
After a week of being busy holidaying I can now refocus a bit more on this blog!
So some more serious articles may appear!
Just give me some feedback as to what you like or don’t like.


ü  Words Of The Holy Father

ü  Living Space

The Simple Path - Mother Teresa

Silence is Prayer
Prayer is Faith
Faith is Love
Love is Service
The Fruit of Service is Peace.

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  The 'Care First' approach to End of Life Care. – A long, serious discussion by a panel of distinguished participants organised by the Archdiocese of Brisbane.

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’

¯ Create a New Heart in Me - Michael Mangan

¯ Come Holy Spirit, Descend on Us - John L Bell

¯ Sax Music - Alone With God

Bits & Pieces

v  Tarnanthi 2020: Open Hands - 16 Oct 2020 - 31 Jan 2021

J  A woman noticed her husband standing on the bathroom scale, sucking in his stomach.
“That’s not going to help,” she said.
“Sure, it does,” he replied. “It’s the only way I can see the numbers!”


Friday, October 30, 2020

For Jesus the law was for people.

Hello Tranmere community.
Looks like a great day for a bit of gardening!
Oops! I got distracted by some religious articles and forgot to upload this post.
My apologies.


ü  Living Space

Social Justice Action

Ø  CathNews - Children who experience poverty are more than three times as likely to be poor when they are adults, according to new research exploring socioeconomic disadvantage in Australia.Social Justice Action

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’

¯ Make My Heart Your Dwelling Place

¯ Instrumental Hymns played on Acoustic Guitar

Bits & Pieces

J  Joke - What kind of bow can’t be tied?                                             A rainbow

v  1944 - WWII Holocaust diarist, Anne Frank, is deported from Auschwitz to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.


Thursday, October 29, 2020

“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.”

Hi Tranmere community.
Having been away for 3 days we are now home again and recovering from the holiday!
So it will be extra short.
A few media reports caught my eye.

Ø  Charities regulator finds bushfire charities acted responsibly during disaster

Ø  "The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don't wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope." - -- Barack Obama

Ø  Welcome life even when it requires heroic love: Pope

Ø  "It's not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving." - - Mother Teresa

Choice -
We should be able to trust that the hand sanitisers we buy actually work, but 14 out of the 30 sanitisers we tested didn’t even label the percentage of alcohol they contain. This makes it difficult to buy products that meet World Health Organisation (WHO) standards.

Here’s what our research has found:

  • 66% of Australians didn’t know or incorrectly believed that alcohol-free sanitisers protect against COVID-19 (there’s no evidence they do)
  • 59% believe that hand sanitisers sold in Australia are required to label the percentage of alcohol they contain on the label (they aren’t)
  • 49% believe that hand sanitisers sold in Australia are required to contain a certain amount of alcohol (they aren’t)
  • 74% of Australians trust sanitisers sold in supermarkets and chemists are effective against COVID-19 (some may not be)

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

It is not the church building which makes us holy; rather it is we who make the church building holy by our presence in it.

Hi Tranmere community.
Greetings again from Whyalla.
Today we are looking at the Letter from St Paul rather than the Gospel


ü  Living Space

From CathNews

Ø  Vulnerable Aussies left behind as digital economy grows

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’

¯ How Can I Keep From Singing –Virtual  Choir

¯ Vivaldi - Spring

Bits & Pieces

v  Papal Inauguration – 1958 - Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli elected Pope, taking name John XXIII

J What goes up when the rain comes down?      An umbrella


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

To discern the Kingdom of God we need close vision, and action close to hand – not big theories and acrimonious talk.

Hi Tranmere community. Thanks to Sheila’s mobile phone I am able to connect!
Greetings from Whyalla.


ü  Good News

From CathNews

Ø  South Australia’s Attorney-General has called for calm over the abortion debate

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’

¯ Blest Are They - The Beatitudes

¯ Haydn's "The Creation" - Lawrence Symphony Orchestra & Choirs

Bits & Pieces

v  1841 - One of the last ships with religious refugees from Germany arrives in South Australia.

J  Joke - What’s the difference between a spring roll and summer roll?      [Seasoning]


Monday, October 26, 2020

Religion without joy is hollow and shows itself to be a product of the ego.

Hello Tranmere community.
For the next few days we are travelling.
It may well be difficult to post a daily blog.
However that should not deter you from sending your own comments and contributions.
Have a go and I will make sure that your contributions will be published!


ü  Today we have an example of people so busy criticising what others are doing that they are totally unaware of the emptiness in their own lives. – Living Space

Social Justice Action

Ø  The Catholic Church in South Australia has expressed its concern over the Termination of Pregnancy Bill introduced to the Legislative Council this week.

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’

¯ Bach Mass in B minor, BWV 232 John Eliot Gardiner & Monteverdi Choir

Bits & Pieces

v  1985 - The Australian Government returns ownership of Uluru - Kata Tjuta National Park to its traditional owners.


Sunday, October 25, 2020

"Love one another as I have loved you"

One seeks, finds and loves God IN others. “As often as you did/did not do it to the very least of my brothers and sisters, you did/did not do it to me”

Hello Tranmere community.
Here we are then at the nitty gritty of our faith!
We look at the world around us and struggle to comprehend the suffering and injustice we see.
Can we tolerate that?


ü  Look What Love Is Doing

ü  Finding Meaning

Social Justice Action

Ø  Expand Your Neighborhood

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’

¯ Ubi Caritas - Taize

¯ Ubi Caritas – Bob Hurd

¯ "Ubi caritas et amor" - Gregorian

Bits & Pieces

v  1616 - Dutch sea-captain Dirk Hartog becomes the first European to set foot on Australia's western coast, and leaves his inscription at Cape Inscription, Western Australia.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

There is always hope of transformation. How is a person transformed?

'Repentance is not a fashionable word today. Its basic meaning is to change. It means to stop doing something that’s not productive or taking you in a wrong direction.'

Hello Tranmere community.
Jesus must have been getting quite frustrated that the people were not able to take to heart the lessons he was teaching, but he never gave up.


ü  Good News

The Signs of the Times

Ø  From The Tablet – When a church is a house of good as well as God.

Ø  Also from The Tablet - What does teaching ‘good history’ look like?

Note – You may have to provide your email address in order to view a limited number of articles, unless you sign up to a paid subscription.

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’

¯ Take The Word Of God With You

¯ Canon in D (Pachelbel's Canon)

Bits & Pieces

v  A leader is best when people barely know he exists…when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will all say: We did it ourselves.

v  1945 - The United Nations is founded.

v  1959 - Television


Friday, October 23, 2020

Why do you not know how to interpret the present time?

Jesus repeatedly told people to keep awake, to open their eyes, to look at what was happening around them. “Why do you not judge for yourselves what is right?” he said. If you do it with your eyes closed you are not looking at the present but at the past.

Hi Tranmere community.
It looks like free water is about ready to be delivered from up above!

One of the great challenges of Vatican II Council was the challenge to read the signs of the times.
As we have learnt our Catholic Church does not appear to have taken on that challenge.
Where have all the people gone??


ü  Living Space

ü  Pope Francis’ appeal in his encyclical Fratelli Tutti: ‘Let us dream, then, as a single human family, as fellow travellers sharing the same flesh, as children of the same earth which is our common home, each of us bringing the richness of his or her beliefs and convictions, each of us with his or her own voice, brothers and sisters all.’
It’s nothing less than God’s own dream for us.   [From Australian Catholics website]

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  Rulers in crisisFr Andrew Hamilton

Ø  Pope: good citizens must contribute to society and bear witness to the Gospel

Ø  The Prince Of LiesFr Ron Rolheiser

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’

¯ Sing praises all you people. Sing praises to the Lord

¯ Laudate -instrumental

¯ Laudate Dominum  Mozart


Thursday, October 22, 2020

To follow the way of truth and love, of freedom and justice is always going to arouse the hostility of those who feel threatened by goodness.

Hi Tranmere community.
Today we have another hard-hitting Gospel message!


ü  Living Space

Social Justice Action

Ø  What Do We Do with Evil? – SummaryFr Richard Rohr

Ø  Government’s decision to slash support for people seeking asylum will deepen worsening crisis, say refugee organisations

Ø  A once in a century opportunity missed- A Liveable Income Guarantee

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’

¯ Centre Of My Life -  Paul Inwood

¯ Music For Meditation

Bits & Pieces

v  Thank you for the comment about Aussie Backyard Bird Count, Josie.
It is a very relaxing 20 minutes and it is surprising how many birds you can see or hear in such a short time.
Yesterday a group of magpies landed at our neighbour’s front lawn and began to warble enthusiastically in almost a circular formation. Then they went their separate ways across the lawn looking for bugs etc.
A Barbary Dove is nesting in our moptop tree next to the clothesline!

v  1939 - Sir Langdon Bonython

v  1990 - The Royal Geographical Society declaims irrigation as one of the causes of the world's worst ecological disaster around the Aral Sea. What we are doing here in Australia with the Murray-Darling Basin has serious similarities. But do we learn??


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Jesus came “not to be served but to serve.”

Greetings Tranmere community
What a challenging Gospel we have today!


ü  Good News

ü  Living Space

Social Justice Action

Ø  Corporate Evil and Corporate Good – the 6th reflection from Fr Richard Rohr in the series headed “What Do We Do With Evil?”

Ø  Until debt do us part – from Eureka Street

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’

¯ The Eyes and Hands of Christ

¯ Go Make A Difference

¯ Covid Cello Project 10

Bits & Pieces

v  1966 - 144 people are killed, including 116 children, as a coal slag tip buries a school in Wales.

v  1872 - Overland Telegraph

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Be Ready!

Hello Tranmere community.
I hope you enjoy today’s selections.
Plenty of food for thought and things to enjoy.


ü  Good News

ü  Living Space

Social Justice Action

Ø  Jesus’ Social Program – During the last few weeks we have followed a set of reflections by Fr Richard Rohr about Evil
“What Do We Do With Evil?” This is the 5th essay in the series.

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’

¯ Make Us True Servants - choir

¯ Make Us True Servants - instrumental

¯ A classic to open the Sydney Opera House – if you have an hour to watch it!

Bits & Pieces

v  World Statistics Day - Connecting the world with data we can trust

v  1973 - The Sydney Opera House is formally opened by Queen Elizabeth II.

v  The Australian Backyard Bird Count started on Monday.
So I enjoyed the sunshine in the backyard with a cuppa  and counted birds for 20 minutes.
Spotted Doves; Sparrows; Barbary Doves; Noisy Miners; Rainbow Lorikeets

You can take part in the Aussie Backyard Bird Count too!
Visit  to find out how.


Monday, October 19, 2020

How do we measure our wealth?

Hello Tranmere community.

ü  It was very interesting to hear Fr Cappo speak about his experiences in Africa on this Mission Sunday.
Ironically today’s gospel gives us the story of the “rich fool”.  Let us be generous next Sunday in our Mission Collection, which includes supports for the people of Cambodia – Read  Chen's Story.

ü  Sue submitted a very interesting article about the background of All Saints Day. I like the way she has included references for information sources. Read it in the Parish Bulletin.


Good News

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

 Song of St. Patrick – M Haugen

Bits & Pieces

2001 - Sinking of refugee boat SIEV X -  353 people, mostly women and children, drowned
It has a link to very informative 2013 article in Eureka Street


Sunday, October 18, 2020

What is Ceasar’s? What is God’s?

Repaying God with that which belongs to God is called the Christian life.

Hello Tranmere community.
It’s Mission Sunday today.

“Mission is a free and conscious response to God’s call. Yet we discern this call only when we have a personal relationship of love with Jesus present in his Church. Let us ask ourselves: are we prepared to welcome the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives, to listen to the call to mission, whether in our life as married couples or as consecrated persons or those called to the ordained ministry, and in all the everyday events of life? Understanding what God is saying to us at this time of pandemic also represents a challenge for the Church’s mission. Illness, suffering, fear and isolation challenge us”

Anti Poverty Week ended yesterday. We know there is much anxiety about our livelihoods during this C-Virus pandemic. The St Vincent de Paul Society is struggling as well. It is working with a skeleton staff. Income from donations has dropped seriously. Here is the Vinnies media statement - Enough to live on and a place to call home


10th Anniversary of the Canonisation of Mary MacKillop – Fr Frank Brennan

Which Side Are You On? – Fr John Foley

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

Sing a New Song

Sing a New Song - University of Utah Singers

Sing A New Song - Praise Gathering

Bits & Pieces

1929 - Henry Collins


Saturday, October 17, 2020

“There, where you are you will find God”

Hello Tranmere community.

Today is the 10th Anniversary of the Canonisation of Saint Mary MacKillop

There are many resources available to celebrate this wonderful event.

ü Courage Hour

ü Take Fresh Courage - booklet

ü Mary MacKillop MuseumPlease do try and visit the museum

My sister Annie was a Josephite nun.
Our mother died when the Pope was in Sydney for the celebration of the canonisation of Mary Mackillop.
My sister Annie died after an unbearably painful, courageous 8 year struggle with cancer.
For me she was a saint in the footsteps of Mary MacKillop.

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯ Never see a need

¯ Never See a Need

¯ Never See A Need – Mary Fletcher – audio only