Friday, September 5, 2008

Abortion Legislation

The Australian Catholic Students Association has condemned legislation currently before the Victorian Parliament which will decriminalise abortion up to 24 weeks as well as forcing medical professionals to perform an abortion if the mother's life is at risk.

Patrick Giam, ACSA's Media Officer, attacked the portions of the bill that violate medical professionals' right to conscientious objection as totally unacceptable.

Link: ACSA

1 comment:

  1. For any community to accept abortion up to 24 weeks is simply barbaric.
    It is now commonplace for 23-week foetuses to be born and nurtured in our hospitals.
    The abuse of the rights of the unborn is being widened.
    At this late stage of pregnancy abortion is equivalent to murder.

    The bill also seeks to scrap the requirement that 'a medical practitioner has properly, appropriately and adequately provided her with counselling about the medical risk of termination of pregnancy and of carrying a pregnancy to term'; 'a medical practitioner has offered her the opportunity of referral to appropriate and adequate counselling about matters relating to termination of pregnancy and carrying a pregnancy to term'; and 'a medical practitioner has informed her that appropriate and adequate counselling will be available to her should she wish it upon termination of pregnancy or after carrying the pregnancy to term.'
    This is an abuse of the rights of women to be fully informed.
    No informed consent will be required!

    The bill seeks to impose on doctors and nurses a legal duty to carry out or assist in carrying out an abortion, when they in good conscience, regard the abortion of a viable foetus as the moral equivalent of murder.
