Thursday, September 11, 2008

Word of God

A world Synod of Bishops on the Bible has been called by Pope Benedict XVI
The Synod will take place from October 5-26 in Rome to discuss:

  • the importance of the Scriptures in the life of the church,

  • look at the Bible’s role in Catholic prayer and liturgy,

  • evaluate its role in ecumenical and interreligious relations and

  • discuss ways to improve biblical literacy at every level of the church.

Pope Benedict XVI has named six female scholars to be among the 41 experts to serve as resource people for the synod members, making it the largest number of women ever participating in a Catholic synod.

Pope Benedict also named 19 women to be among the 37 synod observers; the observers attend all synod sessions, participate in the synod working groups and are given an opportunity to address the entire synod assembly. Like their male counterparts, most of the women observers are professors or leaders of religious orders, Bible-based Catholic lay movements or large Catholic organizations.

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