Thursday, August 28, 2008

Credo - The Nicene Creed

The Nicene Creed is a summary or 'symbol' of our Catholic faith.
This link takes you to a website that provides an interesting commentary and reflection on every part of that Creed.
When you open the link you will find the start at the bottom of the page, so scroll all the way down to the beginning.

Link:- Commentary on the Creed

1 comment:

  1. I bumped into this very modern version of a 'creed' - very much an alternative belief statement.

    A Prayer of Belief

    We believe that where people are gathered together in love,
    God is present and good things happen and life is full.

    We believe that we are immersed in mystery
    that our lives are more than they seem,
    that we belong to each other and
    to a universe of great creative energies
    whose source and destiny is God.

    We believe that God is after us
    that he is calling to us
    from the depth of human life.

    We believe that God has risked himself
    and become man in Jesus.
    In and with Jesus we believe
    that each of us is situated in the love of God;
    and the pattern of our life will be the pattern
    of Jesus -- through death to resurrection.

    We believe that the Spirit of Peace
    is present with us, the Church,
    as we gather to celebrate our common existence,
    the resurrection of Jesus, and the fidelity of God.

    And most deeply we believe that
    in our struggle to love,
    we incarnate God in the World.
    And so aware of mystery and wonder,
    caught in friendship and laughter,
    we become speechless before the joy
    in our hearts, and celebrate the sacredness
    of life in the Eucharist.

