Friday, September 5, 2008

Fun keeps you close to God

It is worth thinking for a moment of all the people who bring fun into our lives. They give us life, and we should thank God for them. What we laugh at we can rise above. Humour and hope are inseparable companions.
Some who profess to be Christians believe, mistakenly and sadly, that there is no place for fun in religion. So steeped in their attachment to sin are these unfortunates that they overlook religion as our connection to God and others. Fun connects us. Sin disconnects. It's the wrong focus and it shows in their demeanour. Instead of coming to Communion to partake joyfully in the Hospitality of God the Host, their faces reveal the sort of misery and gloom that envelops constant watchers of television news. They have forgotten that Christians are meant to be people of the Resurrection, incurable optimists who keep on believing, trusting, hoping, and working for the possibility of change. - Fr Chris Gleeson,

Link:- Province Express

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