Monday, September 8, 2008

Fair Trade Reduces Poverty

On August 1, 2008 international trade talks seeking a new era of economic cooperation collapsed in Geneva after seven years of negotiations.
This is very bad news for the world’s poor.
Global cooperation is essential to make trade fair, to address poverty and to curb global warming.

U.S. and European farm subsidies distort world commodity markets and undercut subsistence farmers overseas.
U.S. agricultural subsidies have grown out of a political system that rewards big money and defies reason.

Chinese and Indian protection measures are aimed at protecting farmers that live at levels often not far removed from subsistence.

Buy Fairtrade products

The easiest way to support Fairtrade is to buy Fairtrade! The next time you visit your local supermarket look for Fairtrade Certified products – they’re easy to find, just look for the Label. Main products stocked include; coffee, tea and chocolate.

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