Thursday, October 6, 2022

The gift of God’s Spirit

Just a few thoughts

·        Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible. – St Francis of Assisi

·        5 ways to protect the earth:
Be energy efficient: This could involve turning the heater down a couple of degrees or turning off lights when you are not using them.

Repair and reuse: Rather than buying new things, make things last as long as possible.

Try car-pooling: Catching a ride with friends or colleagues also has the advantage of building community.

Waste management: Concentrate on little things like reusing plastic and separating recycling.

Love the planet: As Christians, take time to appreciate and value creation.

·        May we have a right attitude towards the law of God, so that we live the commandments with a heart that is sincere and faith-filled, and not simply out of fear or with superstition.


ü How much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him

ü Prayer - asking God to do our will???

ü The Most Precious Gift of All

ü Homily for last Sunday -- A faith impossibly and unimaginably new

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Vatican launches new film on urgency of climate change

Ø Official Trailer | The Letter: Laudato Si Film

Ø Can the James Webb Space Telescope really see the past?

Musical Reflection

¯ Faith Hope & Love

¯ Who will speak

¯ War/No More Trouble

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