Monday, October 24, 2022

Freedom and salvation

Just a few thoughts

·        We are called to be that light in the midst of so much darkness around us.

·        May the traditional wisdom of Indigenous peoples around the world help us all become true stewards of creation.

·        United Nations Day - may all nations be drawn together in solidarity, so that by working for world peace they may relieve poverty and hunger, protect children, overcome disease, protect the environment and preserve languages and cultures.


ü They were for law, he was for mercy.

ü Do not make the law a burden on the impulse to do good

ü Sunday reflection - The Worst Kind of Pride

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Weapons cost more than money

Ø True Religion and the True Self

Musical Reflection

¯ Gather Us In

¯ Hymn to the United Nations

¯ You are all we have

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