Thursday, October 13, 2022

Inclusion v Exclusion

Just a few thoughts

·        "Whenever you're tempted to dwell in the past, repeat this single word: Forward. Brainstorm one positive thought and action to use to keep you moving forward. When you're tempted to indulge in a negative, regressive behaviour, swap it for one that will move you forward." -- Karen Salmansohn

·        Every viewpoint is a view from one point. -- Richard Rohr

·        We pray for nurses, teachers, carers and all whose service of others is taking a heavy toll on their own well-being. May the whole community show its appreciation.


ü The religious lawyers, Jesus said, had used the key instead to lock people out.

ü More strong words from Jesus

ü The ten lepers and gratitude  --  Last Sunday Reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Josephites release Laudato Si’ action plan

Ø Reconciliation experts say truth-telling a key to healing

Ø Living Catholic e-news

Musical Reflection

¯ Our Blessing Cup

¯ Peace Train

¯ Greensleeves

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