Tuesday, July 26, 2022


Just a few thoughts

·        "When things just don't work out as good as you really thought they would... It's not rotten, it's not over, it's not finished, or the end. All it means is something better is waiting for you around the bend." -- Doe Zantamata

·        Life isn’t perfect, any failures you have are actually learning moments. They teach us how to grow and evolve. -- Phillipa Soo

·        We pray for all who are downcast and disheartened, that they will have the courage to wait for the grace of hope.


ü The Power of Prayer and Ritual Inside Our Helplessness

ü Seeds are the beginning of things, not the end

ü The parable about the wheat and the weeds.

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Australian Catholics welcomes your observations on July’s Plenary Council.

Ø What the US needs most right now, what we lack, is community – Also applies to Australia, I suggest

Ø The modern parish is a lot like a factory farm. Laypeople can change that. – also from USA

Musical Reflection

¯ Our Father

¯ Baba Yetu

¯ St Teresa's Prayer

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