Saturday, July 2, 2022

Tradition is always continuing to evolve.

Just a few thoughts

·        ”At a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act”. -- George Orwell

·        May God continue to bring his grace upon human actions, so that where there is deception and cheating, God will cause justice and truth to prevail.

·        May we be united in prayer with the Members of The Plenary Council as they prepare to gather tomorrow for the Second Assembly.


ü There are still, however, people who try to live in the post-Vatican II Church with a pre-Vatican II mentality.

ü Seeing All the Things

The Signs Of The Times

Ø “Now more than ever, divided Christians must reconcile with each other and become signs of peace in a time of war.” -- Pope Francis

Ø The bold vision that underpins the synodal process in Australia

Musical Reflection

¯ The Kingdom Of God

¯ We Come to Your Feast

¯ Lift Up Your Hearts

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