Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Fertile Faith

Just a few thoughts

·        We pray for leaders dealing with the global energy and food crisis, that they will promote the common good and the wellbeing of the earth.

·        Today is the 53rd anniversary of the first human landing on the moon – Let us hope that nations will continue to explore outer space in a spirit of co-operation and only for peaceful purposes.

·        Sometimes the biggest accomplishment in life is to find yourself. -- Luisa Fernanda Cicero


ü If our hearts are not soft soil, but hard and stony, the seed of faith lies dormant forever.

ü The Reckless Sower

ü Welcoming God

The Signs Of The Times

Ø A Reconciling Power

Ø 'What is God asking of the Church in Australia at this time?'.

Ø Child protection: Fixing an unfixable system

Musical Reflection

¯ Here At This Table

¯ God, You search Me and You Know Me

¯ All Kinds of Roses

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