Friday, July 29, 2022

The Light Of The World

Just a few thoughts

·        The more one judges, the less one loves. -- Honore de Balzac

·        Stay strong as you live your life story and remember your blessings, no matter what circumstances you face. -- Dr. Damary M. Bonilla-Rodriguez

·        It’s Earth Overshoot Day. It marks the date each year when humanity has used up more natural resources than our planet can regenerate.


ü God IS Love

ü PhD in Living

ü Gracious hospitality –Listening to the guest

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Decision to abolish ‘unjust’ cashless debit card welcomed

Ø The ethical value of access to water

Ø You can’t ask that

Musical Reflection

¯ Otche Nash

¯ Lord's Prayer - Reggae

¯ Be Still, My Soul

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