Sunday, July 31, 2022

Greed is destroying the earth’s populations - and now even the earth itself.

Just a few thoughts

·        What incredibly courageous efforts by the marathon runners at Birmingham, especially South Australia’s Jessica Stenson

·        Archie Roach –  RIP - what a legacy!

·        National Tree Day – May our efforts to care for the earth make the world a safer and healthier place.


ü Australian Women Preach

ü Homily by Frank Brennan

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Global common goods and new international institutions

Ø The return of the invisible worm

Ø Contemporary Challenges for Global Catholicism

Musical Reflection

¯ Set Your Heart on the Higher Gifts

¯ Christ Has No Body Now But Yours

¯ One Song

 We can see from Dreaming place

A planet that is empty

So we sing through time and space

That she may have plenty


We sing out across the land

And across the water

We sing woman, we sing man

We sing son and daughter


Remember well what we have told you

And don't forget where you come from

Mother Earth will always hold you

And you are born of just one song


We sing mountains and the trees

And the rivers flowing

We sing the rain that falls so free

And the wind that's blowing

Now we are blessed that we've been given

This beautiful land where we belong

Dreaming story we are living

Dreaming dance and dreaming song.


Remember well what we have told you

Oh don't forget where you come from

Mother Earth will always hold you

And you are born of just one song

Yeah you are born of just one song

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