Thursday, June 2, 2022

What witness are we giving today?

Just a few thoughts

·        Local volunteers have walked alongside and understood firsthand how Christ is present in the face of the migrant and refugee. And, in my personal journey, no one has taught me more about what it means to live the Gospel." -- Pauline Hovey

·             From "Towards the End of My Days" by Bishop Geoffrey Robinson

Science tell us that the world began
with a big bang;
faith tells me
that this big bang
was an explosion of God's Love. ................

Human beings slowly evolved
who could think and feel
and, at long, long last
respond to God's Love. .............

From the explosion of love in the big bang
to the first conscious response to this love
had taken the scarcely imaginable time of
13,800,000,000years .............

God waited all this time
for the level of growth we have achieved
and, if necessary,
will wait further billions of years
for the full working out of the divine plan. ........

If this process takes more billions of years,
then so be it
for God can wait.


ü Father, may they be completely one

ü What’s In A Farewell?

ü May They Be One

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Motions framework published for second Council assembly

Ø Dutton challenged to be ‘on right side of history’

Musical Reflection

¯ Peace, My Friends

¯ Spirit Of God

¯ People of Peace

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