Friday, June 24, 2022

A universally diligent God

Just a few thoughts

·        Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. -- Albert Einstein

·        The refusal to accept the reforms of the Second Vatican Council is the major problem facing the Church today. -- Pope Francis

·        We pray in this World Refugee Week for refugees burdened with trauma and loneliness, that with hearts like that of Christ’s, we will help heal their pain with kindness, support and hospitality.


ü How do we see the outsider, the marginal person, the failure…? That is the surest way of checking whether we live out of our head or out of our heart.

ü Staying Out Loud

ü The Lost Are Found

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Warm welcome for fearless speaker

Ø Coming Together

Ø Navigating between the perfect and the good at the Second PC Assembly

Musical Reflection

¯ Table of Plenty

¯ Heavenly Bread

¯ Panis Angelicus - "Jesus, Our Living Bread"

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