Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Love is action rather than feeling

Just a few thoughts

·       Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning. -- Gloria Steinem

·       I’ve always thought of only two questions that have mattered to me personally. One is what is really needed in the world and the second is what’s really important to me and how these two intersect. It’s always been a reflective process. -- Peter Senge

·       We pray for the starving people of the Horn of Africa, and for all people facing famine in the world’s worsening food crisis. May nations with plenty pledge the aid that is needed.


ü Agapè - God’s kind of love

ü A Love that Goes Out

ü The Narrow Gate of Contemplation

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Minimum wage increases would have economic, social benefits

Ø Women, Inequality, And Feminism

Musical Reflection

¯  All Who Hunger Gather Gladly

¯  The Supper Of The Lord

¯  Behold the Lamb

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