Tuesday, June 28, 2022

We are church, a ship tossed by the sea

Just a few thoughts

·        The purpose of our lives is to be happy. -- Dalai Lama

·        We pray for our parish community. May we encourage one another to follow Jesus with all our hearts, even on the way of the cross.

·        Let us pray for the Members of the Second Assembly of the Australian Plenary Council as they prepare to gather next Sunday in Sydney.


ü We can learn to be aware that God is close to us at all times

ü What Does It Mean to Set Jesus Free?

ü Jesus Calms the Storm

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Church can be renewed if people listen to Holy Spirit --  from Ireland

Ø World Meeting of Families 2022

Musical Reflection

¯ Without Fear (Holy Spirit Come)

¯ Listen To The Spirit

¯ Do The Right Thing

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