Wednesday, June 29, 2022

We are church, a ship tossed about by the issues of the modern age.

Just a few thoughts

·        Lead from the back and let others believe they are in front. -- Nelson Mandela

·        May everyone on earth become an ambassador of peace.

·        May Pope Francis, successor of Peter and Bishop of Rome, be blessed with the consolation of the Holy Spirit and improved health, as he presides over the Church in charity.


ü The Gospel is always about us

ü If the Church is to remain relevant

ü "Who Do You Say I Am?"

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Australia under the spotlight over East Timor

Ø Human Dignity - An Aussie Value? – A speech and discussion with Fr Frank Brennan

Musical Reflection

¯ Receive the Power

¯ Listen to the Spirit

¯ Peace Mantra

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