Sunday, January 16, 2022

Our Christian religion is a religion of joy.

The Parish and Covid
Yesterday afternoon we learnt about the situation in our parish. (See yesteday’s blog)
Karen and Fr Roy were both struck down by the virus. Hopefully at Mass today we will learn more about the implications. My understanding is that there will not be any Masses celebrated during the week days.
We will keep Karen and Fr Roy in our prayers.

Update – Visiting priest, Fr Gavin Small, celebrated Mass with us today. He had a busy day and was due elsewhere after Mass. To keep things simple and quick there was no music. However, Fr Gavin’s homily was refreshingly affirming. Chair of Parish Council, Alan Tyson, spoke at the start of Mass to explain the current Covid situation. All being well Fr Roy and Karen will have recovered by Monday January 24. Meanwhile the office remains closed and there will not be Mass on weekdays.

Just a few thoughts

·        We pray for family life, that as we continue to reflect on Pope Francis’ letter on Family Life and Love, the miracle at the wedding feast will be a source of encouragement for many, and where necessary, of healing.

·        May the citizens of the world’s democratic states cherish their freedoms and put their rights at the service of the common good.


ü Australian Women Preach  -- Sunday Homily

ü Truly Human

The Signs Of The Times

Ø A Trinitarian Way of Life  --  Richard Rohr

Ø What We Do In Private  --  Ron Rolheiser

Musical Reflection

¯ Come As You Are

¯ Come As You Are

¯ You Are Mine

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