Thursday, January 20, 2022

He began to concentrate on teaching his disciples.

Just a few thoughts

·        A preacher was once asked to explain the doctrine of election. He said, "Well, it is this way: the Lord is always voting for the person, and the devil is always voting against; then, the person himself votes, and breaks the tie."

·        May the gathering of people from many places around Jesus help us to value deeply the multicultural nature of our society in which we live.


ü Today’s Gospel

ü We Are the Earth  --  Richard Rohr

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Theology And Spirituality  --  Ron Rolheiser

Ø Smoking Ceremony -- by Australia Day Council of South Australia

Musical Reflection

¯ Will you come and follow me

¯ Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation

¯ The Voice of God Goes Out

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