Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Jesus Commissions the Disciples

Just a few thoughts

·        “I live, no, it is not I, but Christ lives in me.”  --  St Paul

·        May we all come to a greater respect for the basic human right of freedom of religion.


ü The Gospel reading is from the end of Mark’s gospel

ü God Loves Imperfect Things  --  Richard Rohr

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Aboriginal Christian Leader, invites the nation to #ChangeTheHeart tonight at 7:00pm ACDT

Tune into the national broadcast on the Common Grace website

Musical Reflection

¯ We Are Gathering Together Unto Him

¯      Peaceful Gregorian Chants

¯      Marliya

  Being Grateful  --  What an amazing story. Best played full-screen in order to read the text 

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