Saturday, January 15, 2022

‘I have come to call not the righteous but sinners.’

Parish Status

ü Still no news about the situation in our parish. No information on the website. No emails. Rather puzzling!

Just a few thoughts

·        Though they only take a second to say, thank you's leave a warm feeling behind that can last for hours.  --  Kent Allan Rees

·        May we not be critical of others in our parish community, but respect each other as sisters and brothers in the Lord.


ü Do we tend to side with the Pharisees?

ü Jesus had no class-consciousness; he had friends from every quarter.

The Signs Of The Times

Ø The Trinity as Love  --  Richard Rohr

Ø The sex abuse scandal is not over. The hierarchal culture still needs transformation.  --  from USA

Musical Reflection

¯ Open My Eyes

¯ God's Spirit Is In My Heart

¯ Just Be Held

The Parish and Covid

The parish office and church were closed during the week due to Covid infections.
The 6:30pm Mass today, Saturday, will be celebrated by a visiting priest.
The Sunday 9:30am Mass will also be celebrated by a visiting priest.
Karen tested positive on last Sunday and Fr Roy on Monday.
We pray that both will recover quickly.
The church and office have been given a thorough Covid Cleaning treatment.
A number of other people from the parish were tested and we are not aware of any other infections. So that is very good news.
This coming week there will be no weekday Mass, as no priests will be available.
The issue of parish communication with parishioners via phone, email, website will obviously need to be looked at.
Keep safe and well everyone.

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