Monday, August 30, 2021

Yesterday was Social Justice Sunday!

Just a few thoughts

·        Yes, yesterday was Social Justice Sunday. The event was completely ignored in our parish. I could not believe that. I wasn’t just sad, I was angry!
I imagine that our beloved priest and acclaimed theologian Monsignor Denis Edwards OAM would be so disappointed!

·        Here is a homily by Fr Frank Brennan

·        Homily from Sisters of St Joseph

·        Here are the Homily Notes for Social Justice Sunday provided by the Australian Bishops Conference for this important occasion.

·        Here is the Social Justice Statement as well as a whole list of additional resources that our parish could have used.

·        Group Prayer for Creation  --  Australian Catholics

Musical Reflection

¯ For the healing of the nations

¯ For the Healing of the Nations

¯ For the Healing of the Nations

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