Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Whoever serves me must follow me.

Just a few thoughts

·        Lean more on God than on yourselves  --  Mary MacKillop

·        For Pope Francis and all the bishops of the church, that they will welcome all who pioneer new ways of living the Gospel and caring for the poor.  --  Let us pray to the Lord.

·        Census Night!


ü Living Space

ü Reflection with Fr. Michael Kelly

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Census 2021: Why Catholic identity matters

Ø Preaching to the Disinherited  --  Fr Richard Rohr

Musical Reflection

¯ Where Charity and Love Prevail

¯ Where Charity And Love Prevail  --  Instrumental

Bits & Pieces

1990 Magellan Space Craft Arrives At The Planet Venus

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