Monday, August 23, 2021

…… and yet they neglected the really important things: justice, mercy and love.

Just a few thoughts

·        "Life without left-handed people wouldn't be right."  --  C.R. Manske

·        Mgr John Swann’s parish church in Kapunda is dedicated to St Rose of Lima. It is her feast day. Lima was a copper mining town like Kapunda.

·        We pray for every leader in government, commerce and industry. May they heed the warnings of the world’s scientists and act now to deal with the climate crisis. -- Lord, hear us.


ü “Here Jesus’ attack is directed at the leaders’ greed and their corruption of religion for material gain.  In the name of holiness, the Pharisee-types are exploiting the poor. Daily we see the abuse of authority and power, whether in the Church, in government, in business leading to all kinds of greed and corruption which undermines the very fabric of societies.  Positions of service are turned into instruments of personal gain, often at the expense of the weakest and the most needy.  Countries which long ago should have become rich and prosperous and provided with a high quality of life for their people are bankrupt, in every sense of the word, while a small elite live lives of shameless luxury. The Church, too, can find itself over-concerned with matters of money at the expense of its pastoral mission. A diocese, a parish, a bishop or priest who is rich in a world of poverty and need is a major stumbling block to the hearing of the Gospel.”
Read whole reflection here

ü You were certainly hoeing into the scribes and Pharisees, Jesus. What made you so angry?

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Australian Women Preach

Ø The Burning Issue  --  J Dick, American Catholic academic who has taught historical theology for many years at the University of Leuven, Belgium.

Musical Reflection

¯ Lord, to Whom Shall We Go

¯ Alleluia! Give the Glory

¯ Here I Am, Lord

Bits & Pieces

v 1996: Death of Margaret Tucker, Indigenous Australian activist and writer

v 1960  -  Death of Oscar Hammerstein II  --  Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin'


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