Saturday, August 21, 2021

for they do not practise what they teach.

Just a few thoughts

·        Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice.
Whatever choice you make makes you.
Choose wisely.  --  Roy T. Bennett

·        That those preparing for our Diocesan Assembly and the Australian Plenary Council will be fired with enthusiasm and imagination, reading the signs of the times, moving forward confidently.  --  Lord, hear us.


ü Servant Leadership

ü Crisis Contemplation and Joy --  Fr Richard Rohr

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Unnecessary red tape aimed at silencing charities

‘The government can’t find time to put in a Federal ICAC. This is where we scratch our heads. They can find time to do this, which is unprecedented and goes way beyond any other group in society when they need it. I think it has all got to do with that sense that we don’t want charities doing advocacy. That’s why they want to do it. And charities absolutely – charity coming from the old English word for love – they give, they serve, but they also say we wouldn’t need to give in service much if there were some policy changes. So, they do advocacy. That’s what the government doesn’t like. That’s what absolutely this is about.’  --  Tim Costello

Ø Solidarity with Afghanistan: How we can help

Ø The ethics of mandating vaccinations in healthcare

Musical Reflection

¯ Confitemini Domino

¯ Only In God

¯ Canticle of Creation

Bits & Pieces

v 1943: - Election of the first women members of the Australian Parliament: Enid Lyons (House of Representatives) and Dorothy Tangney (Senate)

v Better Futures Australia -- Australians working together to harness zero emissions opportunitie

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